20/20 Vision | The Social Dilemma

Have you watched The Social Dilemma?

From the creators of Chasing Ice and Chasing Coral, The Social Dilemma blends documentary investigation and narrative drama to disrupt the disrupters, unveiling the hidden machinations behind everyone’s favorite social media and search platforms.

How much time does one spend on social media, whether it is through computers, websites, or mobile apps? Platforms that record, study, and use everything we search, view, and post to create a database of who we are and how we think. 

Often times, things which begin good or innocent to aid humanity, can later be used or abused to manipulate humanity. Consider the ideas of power and profit. Power in the hands of a just leader can give comfort to those who practice good, while they are yet a terror to execute judgment upon those who practice evil. Similarly, profit (i.e. money) in the pocket of the charitable soul can be a present and continual blessing for the wellbeing of all persons.


> Absolute power corrupts absolutely. // Lord Acton
> The love of money is the root of all evil. // Apostle Paul

What if the media, social media, and search engine platforms are using us as a product to have power over and profit from? Is it possible that we are being unconsciously manipulated in one way or another for power (to have us believe what they want us to believe) or for profit (to make money from advertisers, etc.)? Imagine what they could do to an individual, a society, a country, the world? Now consider the coming Antichrist.

Before you simply dismiss the idea, consider if you can go without social media for any length of time, and honestly test whether you can be objective to any thoughts which vary from your own. Has social media changed your time, attitude, or thought process? I am willing to bet it has.

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. // Jesus [Matthew 10:16]

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