Handsome as Hell

There is currently a popular song with the phrase “handsome as hell.” 
What exactly does that mean? Or, rather, what is it supposed to mean?

* note: before we get started, this is not meant to be a direct (or indirect) attack on the artist, writer, or song. There are numerous other, similar, interestingly used, modern phrases, so let’s focus only on the phrase itself.

When I think of handsome, I think of a male person who is considered good-looking.
When I think of hell, I think of a place of “outer darkness” with “weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

So, the phrase (at least for me) would change to something like: “good-looking as outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Somehow I don’t believe that to be the meaning of what the person is trying to say.

I’ve read where some believe the phrase or similarly (“sexy as hell”) means “that someone finds another very, very, very, sexy or physically attractive.” 

So, here is why the lyric stood out to me: When I think of hell, I am reminded of Scripture, where it speaks of fire (even the lake of fire), burning, and sorrow, where the anger of God is kindled upon those who opposed him. I can’t imagine anyone (whether they believe in a literal hell or not) finding that imagery sexy or attractive. 

It actually lends me to see a more disturbing view than my previous: “sexy and attractive as watching lost souls suffer as they burn in the fire kindled by the anger of God.” Dear God, no! I find it rather appalling to even consider, and believe most (if not all) do not see (nor would accept) such a phrase to mean this. 

But we say it anyway. Why? Why do we say things, when taken to its literal or actual conclusion, mean the total opposite? Does slang replace truth, or do we not even consider it because we are in the moment or in a different mindset? Meaning, in a biblical context, we wouldn’t tell someone they were handsome or sexy as hell if we were having a Bible study on the topic of hell and its torments. Would we? 

The Bible speaks of a place of called hell. It is a place of torment for all those who reject Jesus Christ. Not believing it exist doesn’t make it go away, and considering it only imagery does not make its picture become attractive. 

So call this a rant, call it a ponder, but at least think about it. Jesus Christ was born, lived a sinless life, and suffered the death of the cross so that humanity could experience forgiveness, fellowship, and eternal life with him. That, my friend, is an attractive picture. So, next time we think or hear a catchy phrase, let’s take a moment to consider what it means (or could mean) before we use it. Just a thought.

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